
The Emerging Drama Between the Trump Team and RFK Jr. Over the Veepstakes

Trump-Kennedy 2024 either was considered, was never considered, or is being considered. We don’t know, and this is treacherous territory here because both men have a penchant for garnering media attention. Earlier reports mentioned how Trump’s team contacted Robert F. Kennedy Jr. about being Donald Trump’s running mate, which he didn’t write off. Then, Trump adviser Chris LaCivita said this was fake news, citing RFK’s lefty stances on the environment. 

To add more intrigue, RFK Jr. is saying that Trump’s camp did reach out to him about being on the Republican ticket, but he’s not interested in the job:

He doesn’t want the gig—I’m relieved. It still would have been an interesting story, especially since the liberal media and the Democrats would’ve blown a gasket. Still, there isn’t much these two men agree on regarding policy. They may share the same sentiment on some issues, like how the Democratic Party rigs their primaries, but the environmental disagreements alone would be enough to keep Robert away. 

But Mr. Kennedy did get his name in the news cycle he otherwise wouldn’t have, so I guess it was a win for him.