
Gavin Newsom Responds to His State Trying to Remove Trump From 2024 Ballot

Colorado decided to hurl a hand grenade into the 2024 cycle by removing Donald Trump from their 2024 ballot. It presents yet another legal fight that the Trump team must waste time and resources on, which is the ulterior motive here for those on the Left. Yet even some Democrats are not pleased with this move. Democrats appointed all the justices to the Colorado Supreme Court, who barely approved this undemocratic measure in a 4-3 vote. It is another in-kind contribution for Trump, who will probably see a spike in support from Republicans, as we’ve seen every time the institutional Left fires a volley at him. 

California wants to remove Trump from their 2024 ballot, setting another showdown between red and blue states. Texas is now considering booting Joe Biden from their 2024 ballot. But California Gov. Gavin Newsom had a decidedly different take from that of his secretary of state, who wrote a letter requesting any options be reviewed to bar Trump’s access on the ballot (via NY Post): 

California Gov. Gavin Newsom threw cold water on an effort to block former President Trump from the California ballot, warning it was undemocratic. 

“There is no doubt that Donald Trump is a threat to our liberties and even to our democracy,” Newsom said in a statement. “But in California, we defeat candidates at the polls. Everything else is a political distraction.” 

Trump was disqualified from appearing on Colorado’s Republican primary ballot earlier this week after a state Supreme Court ruling. 

The order has been stayed pending a final ruling from the Supreme Court. 

A sensible take from a man with presidential aspirations, the only person who could potentially replace Joe Biden at the 2024 Democratic National Convention if the party opts to go that route should things continue to be a disaster for this presidency. Biden’s approval numbers currently sit in the low 30s. It could sink even further if the economy remains stuck in the mud. Still, even with all the political factors surrounding Newsom’s take on Trump’s ballot access, he’s right.