
KJP Hammered Over Catastrophic Border Crisis

During the daily briefing at the White House Thursday afternoon, Press Secretary Karine Jean Pierre was repeatedly questioned by a number of reporters about the ongoing catastrophe at the U.S. southern border as thousands of illegal immigrants pour into the country with no end in sight. 

First, she refused to answer questions from Fox News about the numbers, attempting to deflect to Republicans. 

Then, she proceeded to categorize the situation as an "orderly and humane strategy" implemented by President Joe Biden and falsely claimed the unprecedented situation has been "happening for decades." Individuals drown and die on a regular basis as a result of Biden's open border policies. The number of illegal immigrants crossing every day are historic and never seen before. 

Meanwhile, Texas has declared a state of emergency and Democratic politicians in New York (previously declared a sanctuary for illegal immigrants) and elsewhere are admitting the situation is completely out of control.