
Joe Biden's 2024 Re-election Campaign Hit With More Bad News...If Anyone Cares

 There’s nothing more deflating to a presidential re-election bid than being in the White House when the poverty rate spikes. There are more poor people in Joe Biden’s America. Is that Bidenomics at work? Joe Biden hasn’t solved the crippling inflation crisis. Economic growth reports can comically be taken apart for their fugazi math, and a looming real estate crisis threatens to pull the rug out from under all of us. But Biden can’t tend to these matters. One day of work requires four days of vacation. 

Even when Maui burned, Biden went on not one but two vacations before he decided to trot over to oversee the damage done by one of the worst wildfires in 100 years. And now, there are more poor people in America (via ABC News): 

The poverty rate in the United States increased last year, the first increase in 13 years, according to the Census Bureau. 

In 2022, the poverty rate was 12.4%, up 4.6% from 2021, according to the Supplemental Poverty Measure (SPM), which looks at government programs and tax credits designed to help low-income families, according to the census. 

The expiration of pandemic programs, including refundable tax credits and stimulus payments, at the start of 2022, led to an increase in the SPM over the official poverty rate, the census reported. 

The poverty rate among children saw a sizeable increase, more than doubling from 5.2% in 2021 to 12.4% last year, census data shows. 

The increase in the child poverty rate comes after the child tax credit expansion ended on Dec. 31, 2021. 

Biden wants to blame Republicans for this, but Democrats controlled Congress for his first 100 days. Biden’s approval ratings are hovering in the low 40s to high 30s. The number of Americans who feel we’re on the wrong track is absurdly high. No one sees any economic benefit from Bidenomics, a messaging campaign that was DOA. And now poverty is spiking under Joe, the only economic gauge complying with the realities on the ground.