
Congressman Vows to Sue If Biden Slaps On New Mask Mandates

Republican Congressman Thomas Massie is vowing to slap the Biden administration with a new lawsuit if President Joe Biden decides to reimpose mask mandates for federal buildings, air travel, train commutes and more through "CDC guidance." 

In March 2022, Massie and sixteen other Republican Congressmen filed a lawsuit to end the Biden administration's mask mandate. 

"The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention does not have the legal authority to force people traveling on commercial airlines to wear masks," Massie said at the time. "Congress never passed a law requiring masks on commercial flights. This lawsuit targets the faceless bureaucrats who are behind the CDC's unscientific regulation so that this illegal mask mandate can be brought to a permanent end."

On April 19, 2022, the mandate was struck down by U.S. District Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle, but later vacated after President Biden declared the pandemic was over. 

Just this week President Joe Biden has been wearing mask, despite not having the virus and contrary to new studies that show masking doesn't work to prevent the spread of the disease. First Lady Jill Biden tested positive earlier this week. The White House is also suggesting children be masked at school despite devastating effects of masking on learning development.