
UPDATE: Will He Make the Stage?; Republican Candidate Hospitalized Just Hours Ahead of First Debate

UPDATE: Burgum will be on the stage after a severe achilles injury. 

***Original post***

Just hours ahead of the first Republican primary debate in Milwaukee, Wisconsin Wednesday night, businessman and North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum was injured while playing basketball with staff. 

Burgum qualified for the debate, hosted by Fox News and Young Americas Foundation, in unconventional fashion by sending individuals a $20 gift card in exchange for a $1 donation. RNC eligibility rules to make the stage required 40,000 donors and a signed pledge to support the eventual nominee. 

Burgum was in Iowa last week meeting with voters at the famous state fair. He has also been spending a lot of time in New Hampshire. 

“As we’ve seen in past elections, if you have strong momentum out of those two, then it’s almost a month later, before the next state, which is South Carolina,” Burgum recently told North Dakota's KX News. “We’re already pulling ahead in those states of people that have got 100% name recognition and have held national office. So, we feel like we’re off to a fantastic start.”

Burgum planned to share the debate stage with seven other Republican candidates.