
Trump Responds to Damning Hunter Biden News as Critics Question the DOJ's Motive

Former President Trump issued a scathing response to news that the woke Department of Justice is attempting to dismiss tax fraud charges against Hunter Biden. 

According to court documents, the Biden DOJ plans to re-file them in a different jurisdiction, which reveals the move could make way for them to reintroduce the exact charges, just in another district.

“Crooked Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, and the entire Biden crime family have been protected by the Justice Department for decades even though there is overwhelming evidence and credible testimony detailing their wrongdoing of lying to the American people and selling out the country to foreign enemies for the Biden Cartel’s own financial gain,” Trump’s statement read. 

On Friday, Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed a Special Counsel to oversee the Hunter Biden investigation. The decision marked a major turning point in the ongoing probe. However, the appointee is U.S. Attorney David Weiss. 

Allegations point to concerns that Weiss hid bombshell evidence from investigators and that his office prevented its probe from looking into the president’s apparent role in his son’s overseas business dealings. IRS whistleblowers also allege charges against Hunter were mysteriously dropped by Weiss even after he approved them. 

In June, Hunter Biden was charged with two counts of failing to pay taxes initially filed in Delaware. 

A month later, the president’s corrupt son pleaded not guilty, which stalled plea negotiations and is supposedly the reason for the DOJ to move the case. Critics say the move is a way for Hunter Biden to receive a more favorable outcome, in which the Biden family hopes to get a liberal judge that will secure the sweetheart deal. 

“Upon considering his request, as well as the extraordinary circumstances relating to this matter, I have concluded that it is in the public interest to appoint him as Special Counsel,” Garland said on Friday. 

Many say the ploy to acquire special counsel status suddenly will allow Weiss to avoid testifying before the House Judiciary Committee next month, in which he would be questioned about damning reports he helped cover up an investigation into Hunter Biden. 

It has also been brought to attention that the move was made to block Congressional oversight until after the 2024 election.