
What Happened When the FBI Visited the Home of a Man Who Allegedly Threatened Biden

Any threat against the president gets placed on the Secret Service’s radar. Federal law enforcement, in general, is mobilized against such threats, and rightfully so. It may seem obvious, but posting death threats against the president or any high-ranking government official on social media is a surefire way of asking federal agents to appear at your door. That’s what happened in Utah. 

Craig Robertson posted inflammatory posts aimed at Mr. Biden and Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, the first prosecutor to file legal charges against Donald Trump for his hush money arrangement with ex-porn star Stormy Daniels. Attorney General Merrick Garland was also a reported target. When agents arrived to serve Mr. Roberson a warrant, he was shot and killed (via NBC News): 

The FBI on Wednesday shot and killed a Utah man who allegedly made online threats to kill President Joe Biden and New York prosecutor Alvin Bragg while serving a warrant at his Provo home, officials said. 

The investigation involved the suspect making alleged threats against politicians and public figures, according to charging documents obtained by NBC News. 

The suspect was identified in charging documents as Craig Deleeuw Robertson. 

On Monday, Robertson allegedly made a threat referencing Biden's trip to Utah this week, saying he needed to prepare his camouflage and sniper rifle. 

Robertson’s alleged threat to Bragg included calling him a political hack linked to George Soros and plotting to assassinate him in a parking garage, the charging documents said. 

The charging documents said that Robertson mentioned many other politicians, including New York Attorney General Letitia James, U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland and California Gov. Gavin Newsom. 

Robertson had "intent to kill, at a minimum, D.A. Bragg and President Joe Biden," according to the charging documents. 


Biden is scheduled to be in Utah this evening ahead of a public event on Thursday in Salt Lake City on veterans health care.

NBC News added that Joe Biden was briefed on the operation.