
Read the Replies: NBC News Reporter Gets Roasted Over Trump Tweet

Frame this tweet and put it in the Louvre, and I don’t mean it in a good way. It’s downright embarrassing, showcasing the intense animus the establishment press still has toward Donald Trump, which has been heightened as his support in the polls only grows with every indictment. Regardless of the 2024 election implications, one thing is clear: the people don’t care what the press says about the former president. The overt bias, the Russian collusion hoax, and the appalling reticence regarding sifting through the mountains of incriminating evidence pinning the Biden family to a bribery scheme will do that. 

On this occasion, NBC News reporter Kelly O’Donnell decided to add this commentary regarding Trump’s departure from DC after appearing in court following his third indictment from Special Counsel Jack Smith:

A clear sign he is not president anymore.  Despite all the motorcades and perks, his plane has to wait to taxi.  Air Force One gets immediate clearance.

I won’t delve into how pathetic this tweet is because the replies, as Megyn Kelly noted, were golden. O’Donnell got roasted, and rightfully so, over such an obtuse and brainless tweet.

They’re starting to freak out that Trump could win again, right? And you know the media was relieved that the indictment story leapfrogged over the testimony of ex-Hunter Biden associate Devon Archer this week, which was—shocker—quite damning.