
Former DC Police Officer's Reaction to Trump's Third Indictment Is Rather Insane

Former DC Police Officer Michael Fanone was a key witness who testified before the House Select Committee on the January 6 attack. His testimony provided what Democrats thought would be a compelling account of the events of the day through the eyes of law enforcement, a not-so-subtle way to attack the GOP’s pro-law and order stance, which they’ve used to hammer progressives. It was ineffective for numerous reasons, not least because no one cares about January 6 anymore. 

Fanone retired in 2021 but has served as an on-air contributor for CNN. When Donald Trump was indicted over the January 6 event last week, the former cop described being full of jubilation upon hearing the news, likening it to the day we killed Osama bin Laden. He later called Donald Trump a terrorist:

Oh, I forgot another reason why no one cared about Fanone’s January 6 testimony: he’s unspooled. Trump being indicted a third time was akin to killing bin Laden is not a serious assessment, but it is on brand for CNN and its viewers. We shouldn’t have expected anything less from a network whose overpaid crew of Democratic operatives have called January 6 an event worse than the 9/11 attacks and Pearl Harbor. 

No wonder why Mr. Fanone fits right in there.