
Even Overseas Biden Can't Escape Cocainegate

President Joe Biden is in Lithuania for the 74th NATO Summit. Back at the White House in Washington D.C., the Secret Service is still trying to find out who left a bag of cocaine just outside of the Situation Room nearly two weeks ago. The bag has been reportedly sent to an FBI lab for analysis. 

During a brief gaggle with reporters from the summit Tuesday afternoon, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean Pierre didn't escape the podium before being asked about cocainegate and when it will be resolved. In typical fashion, she said she had no updates or new information about the situation. 

"I don't have any updates.  As you know, as you just mentioned, Secret Service, it's under their purview. They're certainly investigating the situation. I just don't have anything updated," she said. "I would refer you to the Secret Service on that particular question." 

Last week before departing for Europe Jean Pierre refused to flatly deny the cocaine belonged to a member of the Biden family.