
Casey DeSantis Joins Her Husband in the Fight to Protect the US From the Left’s Radical Agenda

Florida First Lady Casey DeSantis is set to launch a nationwide Mamas for DeSantis movement as part of Governor Ron DeSantis’s (R-Fla) pro-parent agenda. 

Her first solo appearance of the campaign cycle promises to mobilize millions as the largest movement of parents in our nation’s political history. Following her husband’s footsteps, Casey plans to empower women and mothers and protect them from the radical Left. 

The DeSantis family vows to fight back against the Democrat's progressive propaganda that aims to indoctrinate and brainwash children. 

“We have been told that we must deny truth...back down… and look the other way. But enough is enough. When you come after our kids, we fight back. Because there’s nothing we won’t do to protect our children,” Casey said in her video. 

The Florida governor’s wife praised her husband’s efforts that allowed children to remain innocent and grow up playing outside and learning basic materials, such as math and reading-- instead of progressive learning lessons that make kids believe they are oppressed or born the wrong gender from what God created them to be.

“They’re not yours. We will not allow you to exploit their innocence to advance your agenda. We are no longer silent. We are united. And we have finally found our fighter,” she continued.

Casey has been seen as a major political advantage to DeSantis in the 2024 presidential election. 

Last year her Mamas for DeSantis program exceeded the one million goals and mobilized up to 1.1 million mamas supporting DeSantis for re-election. Both she and DeSantis have worked to keep Florida free and safe for children and families. 

DeSantis’s family-first initiatives for Florida children and parents have attracted support in every part of the state. As a result, the governor won female voters by 9 percent.