
2024 Candidate Says Republicans Need to Focus on This Instead of Culture Wars

Former Congressman Will Hurd, one of the many GOP candidates in the 2024 presidential, told CNN's Dana Bash Republicans need to focus more on topics such as Russian President Vladimir Putin instead of the nation's culture wars like the issues relating to the LGBTQ+ community.

"A lot of your Republican opponents are making LGBTQ rights a cultural flash point...What’s your message to them?” Bash asked.       

"Well, my message is, I wish they would focus and focus their attacks on war criminals like Vladimir Putin, not my friends in the LGBTQ community. It is 2023. We should be talking about how do we embrace our differences. Because here’s what I have learned as I have crisscrossed the country," Hurd said. "We’re better together. And we should be having our leaders that are encouraging that, that are protecting that, in order — how we use our diversity to solve the major problems that we’re facing.       

"We’re in a new cold war with the Chinese government. The Chinese government is trying to surpass us as a global superpower. That’s going to impact everybody. And we need to be making sure that we’re having a competition of ideas on how to be prepared for that. We can talk about the economy all day long," he continued.

The culture wars relating to LGBTQ+ issues mainly stem from how transgenderism is being pushed on to younger and younger audiences through media, the education system, drag shows, and through brands misidentifying their core audience, such as Bud Light.