
Biden's Propaganda Job Creation Chart Was Fact-Checked, And Then the Note Disappeared

Joe Biden’s job creation chart was taken to the woodshed, rightfully being called out for being egregiously misleading. The tweet earned a community note, but it’s disappeared. The Biden administration tried to sell the narrative that they “created more jobs in two years than any previous administration has created in the first four years.” Their propaganda chart shows that’s almost 500,000 jobs per month on average. The problem is that it’s a lie if you peruse the Bureau of Labor Statistics data included in the note. Yes, this post was fact-checked.

Ninety percent of Biden's jobs bump were folks returning to their previous job before the pandemic. Post-pandemic job returns are not the same as creation. Joe Biden has overseen 2 million jobs created over the past 38 months, which isn’t anywhere close to the mythical 500k figure.

Biden is lying, just like how he deceives us about inflation, how the economy is thriving, and how he thinks he had the monarchic scepter that gave him the power to forgive student loan debt without congressional approval.