
Of All Companies, This Isn't the One to Use Its Social Media to Defend Miller Lite

Heckler and Koch appear to have dismissed its social media manager after they used the company’s accounts to defend Miller Lite. At the very least, one of its staff was given a pink slip allegedly. Last week, someone on this team was miffed about the lack of defense for Miller Lite’s ‘woke’ rebranding, where they eschewed the women in bikinis model for selling their product, instead giving it a feminist rebrand. It’s another beer brand following Bud Light’s disastrous foray into identity politics. However, while annoying, Miller’s marketing tweak is slightly more tolerable as no biological male masquerades as a woman. 

Our friends at Twitchy caught it first, with H&K moving quickly to ameliorate the crisis. They’re doing what Bud Light, Miller Lite, Target, Ford, and Calvin Klein seem to ignore: Sticking with your key customer base. You know, the people who ensure you can keep the factory lights on—you’re a gun manufacturer. Stick to the script. Here’s the tweet that could have created a fiasco at H&K: 

Wow- woke? Allow me to translate: objectifying women was never a good marketing strategy. In the firearms industry, that was a prominent strategy up until recently. Many industries have done that (including beer corps). 

As an actual woman typing this, I’ll use more words for you to comprehend: using bunnies to sell products is trash marketing. Supporting women by not doing that is good.

 And then measures were taken:

When gun companies start dabbling into this, forget Democrats taking away our gun rights. It’s over. Cancer has already killed the host.