
Target Holds 'Emergency' Meeting Over Pride Displays, Pulls All Products Designed by Satanist

Some Target stores in Southern states have been forced by corporate to move their Pride Month displays from the front of the store to avoid a “Bud Light situation.”

Videos circulating on social media show the massive displays that include “tuck friendly” bathing suits, “gender fluid” mugs, children’s books such as “Bye Bye Binary,” and “I’m not a girl,” among other controversial items.

The outrage among conservatives prompted an “emergency” meeting last week, according to Fox News Digital, with district senior directors and managers told to move the section and reduce its size. 

"We were given 36 hours, told to take all of our Pride stuff, the entire section, and move it into a section that’s a third the size. From the front of the store to the back of the store, you can’t have anything on mannequins and no large signage," the Target insider said.

"We call our customers ‘guests,’ there is outrage on their part. This year, it is just exponentially more than any other year," the Target insider continued. "I think given the current situation with Bud Light, the company is terrified of a Bud Light situation."

The insider, who has worked at the retailer for almost two decades, said Target rarely makes such hasty decisions. They said Friday’s call began with roughly 10 minutes on "how to deal with team member safety" because of the amount of backlash the Pride merchandise has generated, noting that Target Asset Protect & Corporate Security teams were present on the call. (Fox News)

Some of the stores that moved their Pride sections include those in rural South Carolina, Arkansas and Georgia. 

In a statement, Target acknowledged the threats it was receiving over the Pride displays, which it said has impacted “our team members’ sense of safety and well-being while at work.”

"Given these volatile circumstances, we are making adjustments to our plans, including removing items that have been at the center of the most significant confrontational behavior,” the statement added. “Our focus now is on moving forward with our continuing commitment to the LGBTQIA+ community and standing with them as we celebrate Pride Month and throughout the year."

In addition to moving displays in some locations, Target also removed items designed by a UK-based satanist from all stores. 

The Daily WIre's Matt Walsh urged women to continue boycotting the store to make their voices heard.