
Let's Revisit These Democrats' Outrageous Claims About the Russian Collusion Hoax

We must break out the receipts on Trump-Russia collusion. No one will go to jail for this political circus that the FBI and the intelligence community launched to derail a duly elected president. With the assistance of the media, these conspirators thought they could get away with it. They were confident Hillary Clinton would win and that she would torch the evidence once sworn in, but the voters had other plans. For years, we were subjected to this abject lunacy about Trump being a Kremlin agent.

The report filed by Special Counsel John Durham is damning, but one that we already knew regarding the FBI going rogue to ensnare Trump. It’s good to be vindicated, but where’s the justice? No one will lose their job or go to jail for knowingly investigating Trump on these collusion claims for which there is zero evidence, along with burying exculpatory evidence to obtain illegal spy warrants. 

At any rate, here are members of the Democratic Party who are some of the worst offenders in pushing these lies, some of whom you already know. Others should be subpoenaed again because, for folks like James Comey, no one believes he can’t recollect anything. Tom Elliott compiled some of the worst offenders with a three-minute summary of how the media covered the 45th president: 

Disinformation and lying are problems, but the conservatives are not spreading them. It’s not the Russians. The call is coming from inside the house; the location is the headquarters for the Democratic National Committee.