
Planned Parenthood Calls For Extensive Court Packing

In the aftermath of the Supreme Court returning abortion to the states through the Dobbs decision last summer, Planned Parenthood is calling for extensive court packing. 

"Today, Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) announced support for a number of additional policies to reform our federal courts. As our nation faces ongoing threats to reproductive freedom, civil rights, and our democratic systems and institutional norms, this expanded position includes support for Supreme Court expansion, term limits, and additional federal court reform measures," the organization released in a statement over the weekend. "As many of Planned Parenthood’s allies and partners across various movements for justice have already made clear, court reform is essential for maintaining a critical foundation of a just democracy. A fair, balanced, and equitable judiciary is essential to protect and advance justice and equality."

During an interview with MSNBC Sunday, Planned Parenthood Federation of America CEO and President Alexis McGill Johnson explained the massive pro-abortion lobbying group not only wants court packing at the Supreme Court, but at all levels of the judiciary. 

Planned Parenthood receives $500 million in taxpayer funding each year for what they call "women's health." In the aftermath of Roe v. Wade being overturned, the organization has shifted their focus to providing hormonal castration drugs for children without parental knowledge. `