
Associated Press' Headline About Washington's New Transgender Law for Minors Is Insane

Some might have differing opinions, but the Associated Press isn’t the worst regarding liberal bias. They’re no saints—some of their stories have been awful—but they’re nowhere near CNN or MSNBC yet. The one issue they whitewash and twist without fail is the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, where they are allergic to calling terrorists exactly what they are. You’ve seen past headlines that read, "Car plows into a bus stop in Tel Aviv, killing three people.” Who was driving the car, folks? 

Now, the news wire service seems to be getting cute with headlines about transgender issues because it is about Washington’s new law for minors seeking mutilation consultations. Democratic Gov. Jay Inslee signed a new law that “protects” trans kids from their parents. No, I’m not kidding (via Associated Press): 

Minors seeking gender-affirming care in Washington will be protected from the intervention of estranged parents under a measure Gov. Jay Inslee signed into law Tuesday. 

The new law is part of a wave of legislation this year in Democratic-led states intended to give refuge amid a conservative movement in which lawmakers in other states have attacked transgender rights and limited or banned gender-affirming care for minors. 

Licensed shelters and host homes in Washington had generally been required to notify parents within 72 hours when a minor came into their care. Under the new law, facilities can instead contact the state Department of Children, Youth and Families, which could then attempt to reunify the family if feasible. Youths will also be allowed to stay at host homes — private, volunteer homes that temporarily house young people without parental permission. 

“With this bill, Washington leads the way by taking a more compassionate, developmentally appropriate, and reasoned approach to support these youth as they access gender-affirming treatment and reproductive health care services,” Inslee said shortly before signing the measure. 

More than a half-dozen states, from New Jersey to Vermont to Colorado, have passed or are considering similar bills or executive orders around transgender health care, civil rights and other legal protections.

It’s not shocking that a uber-liberal state on the West Coast passed this law, or blue state America in general. It’s madness. You’d think that transgenders make up 45 percent of the population; they don’t. State agencies are now replacing decisions that should rightfully and solely be at the discretion of parents reading their child’s well-being. But that’s the game: all must bow before the government. Liberals could have chosen various issues less controversial to set this plan forward, and it might have gone unnoticed but chose the most controversial and extreme to expose their playbook. Poll after poll, liberal ones included, shows that the Republican position on these issues, specifically surgeries and biological males participating in women’s sports, is where the consensus among all demographics.

Most also don’t want this stuff discussed in schools and no distribution of puberty blockers to minors either. As for whether transgender Americans should be prohibited from accessing a host of social services, including education and job opportunities, the public is also right: they’re against it. But no one has ever pushed for such measures. We’re talking about pre-teens here, and those decisions should be left to parents, not the state. What does Olympia, Trenton, or any blue state capital bureaucracy know about raising families? Like DC, the answer is nothing. Democrats really want to immerse themselves in the lives of ordinary citizens unless abortion is the topic. Then, it’s none of our business.