
Mike Lee Sounds the Alarm Over the Left's Latest Attacks on the Supreme Court

The left has ramped up their attacks on the Supreme Court in recent weeks with calls for impeachment of Justice Clarence Thomas and attacks on the wife of Chief Justice John Roberts for having her own, independent career. Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren and others have renewed calls for court packing and Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein is practically being pushed out of her seat in order to ram through President Joe Biden's radical judicial nominees. 

Republican Senator Mike Lee is sounding the alarm and warns the attacks aren't temporary but rather part of a sustained, longterm effort to undermine the institution in order to eventually take it over. 

Meanwhile, Justice Samuel Alito told the Wall Street Journal late last week he believes he knows who leaked the infamous Dobbs draft overturning Roe v. Wade, the ultimate attack on the Supreme Court's legitimacy and trust between the Justices.