
Sarah Huckabee Sanders Trolls Bud Light With 'Real Women' Koozies

Since Bud Light typified how woke companies have a difficult time determining what and who is a woman, Arkansas Republican Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders is jumping in to offer a lesson — with several examples — on what makes a "real woman."

Rolled out with a short video captioned "real women don't have to fake it," Gov. Sanders' latest happy conservative warrior move spoofs Bud Light's "Real Men of Genius" promotional campaign with "America Presents: Real Women of Politics."

"Today, we salute all the real woman leaders of this great country," the video narration announces. "Real women. Doing real things." 

"Some big companies can't tell the difference between real and fake anymore," the video continues, jabbing at Bud Light and other woke companies that have signed sponsorship and endorsement deals with biological men who now identify as women.

"That's why we're introducing the Real Women of Politics koozie," the video explains. "Now, you can salute the real women of politics at every backyard barbecue and tailgate. And if it covers up the label of a big woke company, well, that works too," the narrator quips. Touché.

The koozies bear the faces of Sarah Huckabee Sanders, as well as her fellow female Governors Kim Reynolds (R-IA), Kay Ivey (R-AL), and Kristi Noem (R-SD).

Gov. Sanders' koozies are just the latest conservative response to Bud Light — a company which isn't specifically mentioned by name in her video — and its decision to embrace transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney. In this case, sales of the koozies — a two-pack is $15 — benefit the Sarah for Governor campaign.