
The Numbers Are in on Bud Light's Decision to Go Woke

Bud Light Vice President of Marketing Alissa Heinerscheid recently made the decision to hire biological male Dylan Mulvaney, who depicts himself as a "woman," as a brand partner. Heinerscheid made the move in order to push the company toward a more "inclusive direction" that is "less fratty." Anheuser-Busch is the parent company of Bud Light. 

Well, the sales numbers are in for the self proclaimed businesswoman and they are a disaster for the company. From Fox Business

Bud Light suffered a bloodbath this past weekend.

Consumers nationwide revolted against the nation's top-selling beer brand after it stepped "recklessly" into the culture wars last week with its new spokesperson, transgender TikTok star Dylan Mulvaney, according to bar owners and beer-industry experts around the country.

"In Bud Light's effort to be inclusive, they excluded almost everybody else, including their traditional audience."

Bud Light-maker Anheuser-Busch is headquartered in nearby St. Louis. 

But even Fitter’s bar witnessed a catastrophic decrease in sales of the hometown suds among loyal and local consumers this week. 

Sales of Anheuser-Busch bottled products dropped 30% over the past week, while draught beer plummeted 50%, the owner said.

Bud Light normally outsells rival products Miller Lite and Coors Light 25 to 1 at Braintree Brewhouse in Massachusetts, a sprawling sports bar just outside Boston. 

Not this week. 

Eighty percent of Bud Light drinkers ordered something else this week, Brewhouse owner Alex Kesaris said — while the 20% who did order Bud Light "weren’t on social media and hadn’t heard yet" about its new transgender pitch person.