
The Left Is Not Going to Like This Liberal Pundit's Tweet About Womanhood

There is a word to define this tweet: based. And of all people, it’s left-wing co-host of The Young Turks, Ana Kasparian. Though firmly on the Left—she wrote in Bernie Sanders in 2020—Kasparian is also not one to be a political correctness cop. She’s much more grounded in that free speech can and does give people the right to be offensive, even offenses that are imaginary in the minds of liberals. For that, I’m referring to saying things like hiring ‘the right person for the job,’ which has become a problematic phrase. It’s a phantom offense for the rest of us but one worthy of capital punishment in liberal America. Yet, the tweet Kasparian posted about womanhood will spur the woke mobs to attack her since what she said is ‘transphobic’ today.

“I'm a woman. Please don't ever refer to me as a person with a uterus, birthing person, or person who menstruates,” she wrote. “How do people not realize how degrading this is? You can support the transgender community without doing this s**t.” 

Some replies weren’t against her position, but she’s inviting hell on earth from the progressive Left, who break all who stray from the farm. Kasparian was undeterred, saying those folks have the right to voice their opinion—and she’s right. Unhinged or not, the spastic, illiberal legions of the Left can make their voice heard on this front, and I’m sure they will come soon. 

But let’s also not veer away from the core issue here: Kasparian is correct. In efforts to accommodate this community, which is less than one percent of the population, the definition of womanhood must be sacrificed; its unique characteristics are being erased to satisfy the tiniest slivers of society. In the process, it’s made conservatives the real feminists, a mantle accidentally handed to us.