
We Have Another Racist Hoax in California

These incidents are serious, but the number of serial hoaxes will undoubtedly mitigate when an authentic scandal of this magnitude occurs. From the poop swastika at Mizzou to graffiti to the fake assault on Jussie Smollett, those who think America is racist have a knack for making their fantastical ideas come to life, but they always get the blowback. Always. Smollett wasn’t the first, but his hoax was probably the best-executed one post-2016. After that year's election, the woman who faked a hate crime on the New York City subway was the first salvo. In 2023, we still have people making up fake hate crimes and racist incidents, like at this California school whose racist scandal turned out to be a sham (via The Blaze) emphasis mine]:

Sacramento City Unified School District officials told KOVR-TV the fake money handed out Tuesday at Kit Carson International Academy was for buying fried chicken and alcohol and contained the N-word as well as a derogatory image of an African-American. 

The Bee said Principal LuTisha Stockdale wrote in a now-deleted Facebook story post, “I’m sooooo pissed!!!!! To answer your question 2 Black students made these and were passing it around." The paper said efforts last week to reach Stockdale were unsuccessful. 

"I’ve been on an emotional roller coaster today. This is the third time we’ve had perpetrators of a racially motivated incident identified as African-Americans," Sacramento attorney Mark Harris — contracted last year by the district as a diversity, equity, and inclusion monitor — told the Bee. "It’s pretty bad when our kids, for whatever reason, think that it would be popular for them to have a negative depiction of our own.” 

The paper said Harris was referring to a pair of previous incidents. The Bee said the first was when a black student at C.K. McClatchy High School wrote “colored” and “white” over water fountains on campus last year. 

We’re at a point where a hoax must be considered for any incident like this because it’s happened so many times. Black students were busted for distributing fake racist currency. So, in a way, this is a Smollett-like situation since that actor, who is black, hired two Nigerians to commit a fake hate crime, assaulting him while wearing red hats in an obvious attempt to blame Trump supporters. Even the black community knew from the outset that he was lying. 

So, kids, if you want to cause controversy and try to gin up some racism for perpetrating a hoax, know that you’re going to get busted. Everyone has been caught.