
PA Bill Would Force Parents to Take Vaccine Education Course for Seeking Religious Exemptions

Democrats in Pennsylvania proposed a bill that would require parents seeking a school vaccine exemption to complete an approved “vaccine education” course.

A copy of Senate Bill 390 was posted to Twitter by Pennsylvania mother and parental rights advocate Megan Brock. The legislation says that parents who choose to seek vaccine exemptions for their children on religious or moral grounds need to review “scientifically accepted information prescribed by the Department of Health.”

“The objection shall be on a form developed by the Department of Health that includes a certification by a person authorized to administer immunizations within this Commonwealth,” the two-page legislation adds.

According to Fox News, current law only requires parents to write a signed letter explaining why they are seeking a vaccine exemption. Brock said in an interview with the outlet that the legislation is the Democrats’ latest push to control children. 

“I think that there is a real push right now in Pennsylvania, across this country, from Democrats to control our children and to control the decisions we make for our children,” she said. 

“It’s an attack on parental rights, it’s an attack on religious freedom,” she continued, adding that “there’s no reason that any person should have to give an explanation or attend an education session to explain a religious decision they made on behalf of their children.”

According to Fox, Pennsylvania Democratic State Sen. Judith Schwank said that the legislation can “enhance health safety while maintaining our tradition of respect for religious beliefs and moral convictions by making sure parents receive accurate medical information before granting exemptions.”