
Biden’s Own Party Is Done With Him Ignoring the Border Crisis

President Joe Biden’s border crisis has gotten way out of hand to the point that even Democrats are calling him out on it. 

Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-TX) told CNN that Biden should “absolutely” visit the southern border. 

“I don't know why they keep avoiding the border and saying there's other things more important than visiting the border," Cuellar said. 

Everyday thousand of illegal migrants are being apprehended at the El Paso, Texas border. Under the Biden Administration, almost five million migrants have entered through the border into the U.S., and this just the immigrants who have been caught. 

Cuellar continued to call on Biden to visit the border, telling him to just “show up.” 

“If there's a crisis, show up. Just show up. Just showing up at the border would send a strong signal to the communities that he's there — he cares about the border communities. Just show up. It doesn't take much to just show up at the border," Cuellar said, frustrated. 

This comes after the Biden Administration was caught lying about Biden visiting the border. When asked by reporters, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, claimed that Biden had visited the border, however, it turns out that the President actually just did a “drive by” while making his way to a campaign event in 2018. 

El Paso agents have seen over 2,000 illegal encounters daily, which Cuellar noted that this is “unsustainable” and “unacceptable.” 

“What you see in El Paso or what you saw an Eagle Pass, Del Rio, what you see in the valley — I don't call that orderly, and I don't understand why the administration doesn't understand that," said Cuellar, adding “I want to be constructive. I want to work with them to address this issue."

Cuellar is not the only Democrat to call out Biden for wreaking havoc on the border and then walking away. 

Last month, Sen. Mark Kelly (D-Ariz) said that his party “absolutely” does not understand the problems at the border.

“When I first got to Washington, it didn’t take me long to realize that there are a lot of Democrats who don’t understand our southern border,”Kelly said, adding that they “Don’t necessarily want to do anything about it, just want to use it politically.”

Securing the border has been a long time issue for both parties. Republicans focused in on the problem during the midterm elections, while voters say illegal immigration is a major concern for them.