
EXCLUSIVE: Close-Up Look at Border Patrol Handling Huge Wave of Illegal Immigrants

U.S.-MEXICO BORDER — Border Patrol and Customs agents in the El Paso Sector have been busy dealing with the large influx of illegal immigrants who crossed the Rio Grande from Juarez as Title 42 is set to expire on December 21.

The scene Tuesday night has been playing out since Sunday, when the initial illegal migrant caravan made their way over to the U.S. after being dropped off by buses under Mexican police escort. The police escort is in response to a number of attempted kidnappings by criminal groups to extort the migrants. 

Thousands of people have been waiting in a long line by the border wall, hoping to be let in by U.S. law enforcement through a chain-link fence where the border wall stops. Temperatures at night drop to almost 34 degrees and tensions rose at points among the migrants over who would be next to be allowed through. Woman with infants and small children, the elderly, and those with significant injuries were prioritized.

The long lines by an international bridge is similar to when tens of thousands of Haitians illegally crossed into Del Rio, Texas, in 2021. Thousands of people suddenly showing up in one spot resulted in long wait times to be processed out in the elements under the bridge because there was nowhere else to put them. Back then the Haitians had to survive in the heat. These days, the mix of Colombians, Nicaraguans, Ecuadorians, and others had to build fires and wrap themselves in blankets to keep warm.

Due to changes in policies by the Biden administration, U.S. law enforcement can not initially turn away many of the nationalities who are crossing right now, though some are still being expelled under Title 42.