
What Was the Border Patrol Union Thinking Posting This Tweet?

The Border Patrol Union has decided to pick a fight with the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) and, in the process, set themselves ablaze. Either they haven’t read the immigration legislation being pushed up on the Hill, or this was a self-own of epic proportions. It’s a lengthy battle between the two sides’ social media camps. Still, the casus belli is over the bill negotiated between Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC) and Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ), which they think will help resolve this ongoing crisis at the border.

To make a long story short, it won’t. It’s loaded with window dressing that looks tough on immigration. Still, the pathway to citizenship for 2 million Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival recipients, plus their ability to sponsor their extended families once they’re through the process, is just one massive ‘come on in’ sign at the border. It renders every border enforcement measure, which includes an expedited process for migrants who fail to meet asylum standards, moot. Also, that’s another section of immigration law that needs to be reworked. 

But back to the Border Patrol’s taking a face full of buckshot—they dredged up an old FAIR tweet, where they tried to call out the immigration group for hypocrisy over a 2017 press release where they said, “Congress should seize this opportunity to come together and forge these much-needed reforms... If the Democrats fail to show up at the negotiating table, it raises the legitimate question of whether DACA is something that the Democrats really want.” 

Border Patrol didn’t read the letter carefully because FAIR included provisions on border security that aren’t included in this Tillis-Sinema legislation. The border wall is a key item FAIR supports regarding “real immigration reform.” You can guess whether that measure is included in this amnesty push in Congress.