
'Our City Is in Peril': Portland Store Forced to Close Over Rampant Crime

A clothing store in Portland, Oregon shuttered this month after a series of break-ins left the store “financially gutted” and unable to operate, according to Fox Business.

The store, RAINS PDX, closed abruptly after many break-ins over the last year and a half. A posting on the front of the store explained that the ongoing criminal behavior that goes unpunished leads to repeat break-ins and puts the security of the workers at risk.

“RAINS PDX was a locally-owned small business. But, due to the constant, and unrelenting, criminal behavior, coupled with escalating safety issues for our employees, we have decided to permanently close,” the statement posted on the front doors said.

“Our city is in peril,” the statement continued. “Small businesses (and large) cannot sustain doing business in our city’s current state. We have no protection, or recourse, against the criminal behavior that goes unpunished. Do not be fooled into thinking that insurance companies cover losses. We have sustained 15 break-ins…we have not received any financial reimbursement since the 3rd.”

The store’s owner, Marcy Landolfo, told local outlet KATU2 that she hit her “breaking point” after the store experienced its latest break-in.

"The problem is, as small businesses, we cannot sustain those types of losses and stay in business. I won’t even go into the numbers of how much has been out of pocket," she said.

"The products that are being targeted are the very expensive winter products and I just felt like the minute I get those in the store they’re going to get stolen," Landolfo added. "It’s just too much with the losses that are not covered by insurance, the damages, everything. It’s just not sustainable.

When the store experienced a break-in in late October, Landolfo contacted Mayor Ted Wheeler’s (D) office. His office claimed that they were working to increase funding for business repair grants. Landolfo told KATU that this wasn’t enough to sustain businesses.

"Paying for glass that’s great, but that is so surface and does nothing for the root cause of the problem, so it’s never going to change," she said.

And, the mayor’s office reportedly said they participated in a retail safety summit and “cited efforts” to fast-track the permitting process for things such as storefront lighting. The office did not respond to KATU when they asked how these efforts are going. 

Last week, Fox Business reported that a Nike store in Portland abruptly closed its doors following crime spikes. The store gave no indication of when it would reopen.

Reportedly, theft had been a longstanding issue at the store. A local church near the store captured footage of thieves leaving the store with armfuls of stolen merchandise. 

"It’s obvious that they’ve stolen something, and they’re looking to unload it somewhere," the church’s pastor, Pastor Paul Greenidge of New Song Community Church, said in an interview with local outlet KGW8.

This month, Target CFO Michael Fiddelke told reporters that the company lost $400 million due to “organized retail crime.”  

Fiddelke added that “we expect it will reduce our gross margin by more than $600 million for the full year.”