
Handgun Owners Carrying Daily Doubled Thanks to Soft-on-Crime Woke Policies

Americans feel less safe under President Joe Biden, and thanks to soft-on-crime woke cities, crime has surged during the last two years. 

As Biden continues to threaten the Second Amendment, Americans are taking their safety into their hands. 

According to a new study by the University of Washington, the number of U.S. adult handgun owners carrying daily nearly doubled in four years. 

The November 16 study found that 6 million adults carried a firearm on themselves in 2019, which is up by 3 million in 2015. 

Self-protection was cited as the main reason for the uptick in gun holders, with seven out of 10 saying that they carry a gun to protect themselves against other people. 

In 2015, only 9 million people reported carrying a handgun. Now, at least 16 million people say they carry a loaded weapon on them at least once a month. 

The total number of Americans owning handguns spiked from 38 million to 53 million in just a few short years. 

This comes as Biden called to ban assault rifles, claiming that it is “ridiculous” red flag laws are not being enforced throughout the country.  

He is going to attempt to pass a bill on the matter during Congress’ lame-duck session, right before Republicans take over the House, which they would most likely veto any sort of gun restricting laws. 

Americans have heard time and time again from Democrats how more gun laws need to be enacted. Calling it “sick” that semi-automatic weapons are still allowed, Biden has zeroed in on trying to “get rid of assault weapons.”

Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla) criticized the Left’s constant push to take away guns from law-abiding citizens, and instead offered another piece of advice. 

“People are doing the right thing, why would we take away their weapons?” Scott asked as the Senate was negotiating gun legislation last year, adding “it doesn’t make any sense.”

He said that mental health counseling and assessments of troubled students and law enforcement would make more sense.