
A Race That's Key to Democrats' Chances of Holding the House Has Been Called

Republican incumbent Rep. David Schweikert held onto his seat, defeating his Democrat opponent Jevin Hodge in Arizona’s 1st Congressional District.

Schweikert gained the lead after votes from Maricopa County were updated on Sunday evening.

The results are a blow to Democrats hoping to hold on to a narrow House majority, according to Dave Wasserman, U.S. House editor of The Cook Political Report.

The results from Arizona's 1st Congressional District plus the GOP victory in the state's 6th Congressional District, where Republican Juan Ciscomani defeated Democrat Kirsten Engel for the vacant seat, are a promising sign for Republicans.

Decision Desk HQ, Townhall's election partner, has not called California's 41st Congressional District yet, which Wasserman references, though incumbent GOP Rep. Ken Calvert holds the lead. 

Republicans need to reach 218 seats to secure a House majority.