
American Flags Topple Over Just As Fetterman Begins Speaking: 'The Perfect Metaphor'

Even the American flags at Democrat Pennsylvania Senate candidate John Fetterman’s rally know he would be a bust in office. 

Dubbed a “perfect metaphor,” American flags that stood directly behind Fetterman blew over from strong winds just as he began speaking. 

Just as Fetterman began comparing former Presidents Barack Obama and Trump, about six flags capsized. 

The Democrat claimed that between the two presidents, only Obama was “100 percent sedition free,” while touting the fact that Obama was campaigning for him. 

“Today, Dr. Oz is going to be standing with Donald Trump on the stage, and I’m going to be proud to be standing with a president that is 100% sedition-free,” Fetterman told the crowd. 

Meanwhile, Twitter users had a field day, suggesting that if Fetterman wins the Senate seat, the American flags would be a symbol of what his time in office would look like. 

In a recent Emerson College poll, Republican Senate candidate for Pennsylvania, Dr. Mehmet Oz, passed Fetterman for the first time. 

The poll found that 48 percent favored Oz more than Fetterman, 46 percent. 

With just days away from the midterm elections, 54 percent of voters said that they expect Oz to win over his Democrat opponent.