
Darrell Brooks' Meltdowns Reached New Heights After Judge Made Big Ruling

Darrell Brooks' ability to finish making his case ended early on Monday after his repeated outbursts with Judge Jennifer Dorow and the prosecution were stalling the porceedings.

Brooks, who is on trial for running over and killing people at the Waukesha Christmas parade in 2021, floated the possibility of having his mother testify in his defense. When it was time for Brooks to call his next witness, he started arguing with Dorow, resulting him in being sent to the next courtroom and participating via video camera. Brooks has been representing himself since the start of the trial.

Despite being put in the court equivalent of a time-out, Brooks continued to yell at Dorow and refused to ask simple questions. Dorow had to put Brooks' microphone on mute multiple times in order to allow the court proceedings to progress.

The few moments where Brooks was unmuted, he claimed Dorow was violating his right to a fair defense. He would pound his fists on the table.

Brooks then took the boxes containing court documents to make a box fort in order to obstruct his face. Even though his microphone was on mute, Dorow said she could still hear Brooks from the other courtroom since he was yelling at the top of his lungs. Citing that she could not see what Brooks was doing behind the boxes, Dorow ordered the bailiffs to disassemble the box fort. A few moments later, Brooks made a second box fort, this time using three boxes. His second box fort lasted only a few minutes as the bailiffs took it down once again.