
New Poll Is Bad News for the Squad

New polling from Fox News shows the majority of the country, including a majority of Republicans, Independents and a third of Democrats, believe socialism is a bad system for the United States of America. 

"More than half think the country is becoming more socialist, but six in 10 say that such a move would be a bad thing," new polling found. "Twice as many think such a transition would be a bad thing (60%) rather than a good thing (32%). Among Democrats, 53% think a move toward socialism would be good."

But while the polling shows a significant number of Democrats do not agree socialism is a good thing for the country, it also confirms Democrats have in fact become the party of socialism as they push for an implementation of the system. 

On the 2022 midterm campaign trail, Democrats have desperately attempted to portray themselves as moderates while their voting records tell a different story.