
Darrell Brooks Asks Mind-Numbingly Dumb Question During Cross-Examination

Darrell Brooks continued to cross examine witnesses during his trial on Tuesday, in what can only be described as his attempt to sow doubt in the minds of the jury.

Alyssa Gajewski, who was participating in the Waukesha Christmas parade with Xtreme dance team, testified she was able to avoid being hit by the SUV Brooks is charged with driving but some of children were not so lucky. Because the incident happened so fast and from the shock, Gajewski said she "blacked out" when the kids were hit by SUV but could still hear what was happening. She did see bodies flying through the air. Next thing she remembered was seeing the children laying in the street.

After being hit by the SUV, Vivian Yourell, 7, was laying on the road in the fetal position, according to Gajewski, who then went with Yourell to the hospital in a squad car. At the hospital, Gajewski found another dancer, McKenzie Hollingsworth. Gajewski said Hollingsworth was on the floor with her mom because the hospital was so overwhelmed with patients. She told Hollingsworth to squeeze her hand to stay awake but the child would go in and out of consciousness.

"In regards to your dance team, did you observe anyone that was struck," Brooks asked on cross-examination.

Gajewski again stated she did not because she blacked out due to the visual trauma and it happened so quickly.

"So at that point it would be fair to say that you didn't know if the people on the ground or in the air or whatnot were in fact struck by a vehicle?" Brooks asked.

"Well I did know it was the vehicle because I turned around and I saw the vehicle coming towards them and then I think I blacked out until they were in the air or on the ground," Gajewski replied.

Gajewski then reiterated that while she can not visualize the moment of impact, she could still hear what was happening.

The prosecution is expected to finish making its case by either Thursday or Friday.