
'Woefully Inadequate': Arizona Sheriff Group Blasts Biden's CBP Commissioner for Border Failure

The Arizona Sheriff's Association issued a vote of no confidence for U.S. Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Chris Magnus over his handling of the still raging U.S.-Mexico border crisis.

The Arizona Sheriff's Association is the state's organization comprised of all fifteen elected county sheriffs. The ASA is headed by Cochise County Sheriff Mark Dannels and Pinal County Sheriff Mark Lamb. The Tucson and Yuma Sectors have been among the most heavily affected areas of the state with illegal border crossings and record number of drug interceptions.

"Since Commissioner Magnus was appointed nearly nine months ago, we have continued to see an influx of illegal immigrants and illicit drugs cross our Southern border. What we have not seen is an increased partnership from the federal government including CBP to assist local law enforcement in preventing this activity. Border security is one of the core missions of the CBP and we feel the effort being put towards addressing this mission is woefully inadequate,"  Dannels and Lamb wrote.

In addition to Magnus' lack of federal experience, Dannels and Lamb said they have no confidence in his ability to address the border crisis.