
Poll: Democrats Think Latinos Are Voting Republican Because They're Susceptible to 'Disinformation'

In a new poll from WPA Intelligence, 60 percent of white Democratic voters believe the reason why Latinos are starting to vote more for Republicans compared to recent years is because they are victims of disinformation.

Broken down into which news channel respondents watch, 57 percent of MSNBC viewers and 54 percent of CNN viewers shared the same view that Hispanics are gullible to disinformation.

Other options presented to those polled, such as Latinos being more socially conservative and illegal immigration hurting them first, did not come close.

The idea of disinformation being behind the reason Latinos voting for Republicans and being more susceptible to false information has been presented in the Washington Post and NPR.

"Republicans have been targeting our community for some time with a lot of misinformation and lies," Bold PAC's executive director, Victoria McGroary, told Axios in August. "Over time, if lies go unchecked, at some point people really start believing them."

"The DNC is doing unprecedented work to communicate the facts of Democrats’ incredibly successful legislative agenda to Hispanic and Latino voters, but it shouldn’t be incumbent on one political party to ensure voters are getting factual information and to prevent powerful media companies from spreading Republicans' rampant lies," Maca Casado, the DNC's Hispanic media communications director, also told Axios.

The idea of the Latino community is more susceptible to "disinformation" is another example of Democrats' soft bigotry of low expectations. Latinos, like all Americans, have been hurt with the poor economy, high gas prices, inflation, the crime wave, and the border crisis. Many Americans who haven't been die-hard Democrats have realized just how poorly a Democrat-run country preforms, so it wouldn't be surprising to see those voters choose the other side.