
Joe Biden Is Screwing the Hard Working Middle-Class Over

Political figures from both sides of the aisle are criticizing President Joe Biden for cancelling student loan debts, calling it unfair. 

By now, the Biden administration has made it obvious they are out to get hard-working middle class Americans, and instead cater to spoiled liberals by not making them work to pay for their education. 

Mayor Keith Pekau (R-Ill) said that Biden’s student loan forgiveness plans are “fundamentally unfair” to working class Americans. 

“This is appalling, as someone, and I’ll just speak personally, as someone who was the first in my family to graduate from college that worked full time and then paid my student loans,” Pekau said during a Breitbart interview, noting that he also worked overtime to pay off his children’s and wife’s student loans as well. 

Pekau said the government is basically punishing those who either already paid off their loans or those who are having to spare tax dollars for those who decided to go to college. 

“And now the government’s gonna come in and say, ‘Oh, don’t bother paying that back.’ When they took out that, they knew what they were doing… and all of the people that took this debt out, they’re adults, and they made those decisions and you’re asking other people to pay for the decisions that that they’ve made,” Pekau said. 

He went on to say that it is unfair to parents who have had to work really hard so that their kids can receive an education, questioning why those people should have to shell out money so that someone else’s child can go to college. 

Pekau slammed Biden for screwing over the working class instead of helping them. 

Even some Democrat senators are taking aim at Biden for not holding people accountable for the debt they chose to take on. 

Sen. Tim Ryan (D-OH) said the student loan forgiveness plan “sends the wrong message” by only helping those with student loans. 

“There’s a lot of people out there making 30, 40 grand a year that didn’t go to college. And they need help as well,” Ryan told CNN’s Dana Bash on “State of the Union.” 

He pointed out that the Biden administration has done nothing to alleviate soaring costs, something that almost every single American is struggling with right now.