
Biden's New RCP Average Hits Record Low

President Biden’s approval rating has been in a continuous state of decline since the failed Afghanistan withdrawal last summer. With just months left before the midterm elections, his average approval rating has now fallen below 40 percent.

According to RealClearPolitics, President Biden has a record low of 39.5 percent as of Thursday, while his disapproval stands at 54.8 percent. The drop under 40 percent comes after two recent polls from the first week of June. One from Quinnipiac (6/3-6/6) shows Biden with a 35 percent approval rating and 56 percent disapproval rating, the other—an NPR/PBS/Marist survey (5/31-6/6)—has Biden at 39 percent approval and 52 percent disapproval.  

On the economy, only 34 percent of the job he’s doing while 60 percent disapprove, on average. He’s not much better on immigration or foreign policy either, coming in with 35 percent approval on the former and 39 percent approval on the latter.

Americans are also pessimistic about the direction the country is headed, with a mere 22 percent believing the United States is on the right track, while 71.3 percent say America is on the wrong track.  

With numbers like these plus inflation and record-high gas prices, it's no wonder a CNN analysis finds the midterm election cycle hasn't looked this good for Republicans since 1938

“A lot of the Democrats’ problems, it seems, can be linked back to the president, right, who is severely underwater,” CNN’s Jake Tapper noted.

“Yeah," replied Harry Enten, CNN’s senior data reporter. "Midterm penalty is about where the president is.”