
Trump May No Longer Be President, But Jim Acosta Just Finds New Ways to Be a Punching Bag

CNN’s Jim Acosta has risen from the bunker to remind us why he’s CNN’s most annoying host. Donald Trump is no longer president. We’re not subjected to his nauseating lectures and self-righteousness anymore. It’s not as commonplace with him being in the White House press corps and constantly taking it in the teeth from the Trump White House. That was some great stuff. Yes, annoying to the max—but great entertainment. Then, after January 6, he went into the bunker for a bit with regards to him doling out hot takes. If he has and I missed them, I apologize. I’ll gladly stand corrected on that; I just don’t watch CNN unless I have to for work. I’d rather drink hemlock. 

In the wake of the horrific school shooting in Uvalde, Texas, where 19 kids were killed by Salvador Ramos, Acosta did what all his colleagues have done and will continue to do—blame the National Rifle Association. The NRA had its annual meeting in Houston, Texas where Acosta decided to tell a board member of the nation’s oldest civil rights organization needs to look into its soul. No, I’m not kidding (via The Hill):

CNN’s Jim Acosta got into a heated exchange with a National Rifle Association (NRA) board member on Sunday afternoon over actions to counter gun violence following last week’s mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas.

“I’m 51 years old,” Acosta said. “This has been going on for decades, and it just seems to me that the NRA just has to look into its soul.”

“I’m sorry to say it that way, sir, but you and your other board members need to look into your souls and see what can be done for these kids. These kids who keep dying over and over again, over and over again,” he continued before ending the interview.

Earlier in the interview, Acosta asked the NRA board member, Judge Phillip Journey, about the group’s opposition to gun control measures.

Of course, he does this; this is Jim Acosta we’re talking about here. Am I shocked he took a condescending and morally superior tone? Not at all. That’s how they all are. These folks try to be some moral beacon when everyone knows they’re corrupt. They’re biased but try to cast this heinous window dressing that they’re still an impartial industry. Please.  At Townhall, you know what you’re getting. We're biased as hell. We pick sides. And flip off anyone else. The Left does this too. The Guardian is a left-wing newspaper and proudly says so. That’s why I also read them. You know what you’re getting. They also cover some stories in the international realm that aren’t covered here. 

Acosta is our favorite punching bag because he finds new ways to keep that title. Look into our soul? The liberal media needs to do that first being that they’re the most vicious ghouls in America.