
A California City Aims to Declare Itself as a 'Safe Haven' for Abortion

Just when California couldn’t get anymore liberal, San Diego considers making itself the first “safe haven” for abortions. 

In the wake of the leaked Roe v. Wade document, city council members submitted a proposal to dedicate San Diego as a “safe city for reproductive freedom and access to abortion,” saying they are “scared and frustrated with the potential ruling.” 

Terra Lawson-Remer, a member of the San Diego County Board of Supervisors aims to “enshrine” abortion access in the state of California. “We can build a firewall in the California state constitution and be a beacon of safe and legal abortion access.”

This comes two weeks after the San Diego Unified School District unanimously passed a resolution in support of abortion, claiming to be a “champion of reproductive freedom,” or in other words, a champion of killing innocent lives. 

It also claims access to abortion is an “imperative service,” adding that it is an “assault” to ban it. 

The resolution even goes as far as allowing students, which are minors, to go behind their parent’s backs and get an abortion without consent or notification. 

California is well on its way to becoming a sanctuary for abortions, with many abortion advocates applauding the state for welcoming easy access for the procedure. 

Meanwhile, pro-life advocates are outraged at the decisions their leaders have made for their city. A spokesperson for the San Diego Catholic diocese said they believe “there should be legal protections for the unborn and are bitterly disappointed that the city will not even entertain a conversation on the issue. Women, families and the unborn deserve better."