
Tulsi Gabbard Blasts Biden's Smearing of the MAGA Movement

Former Democratic presidential candidate and Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard is blasting President Joe Biden after he smeared the Make America Great Again movement as one of the most "extreme" in history. 

"It is absolutely despicable and outrageous when you look at the president of the United States of America calling millions of Americans, essentially terrorists, people who politically oppose him or voted against him, he's calling them terrorists in an attempt to intimidate them into silence," Gabbard said during an interview with Fox News Wednesday night. "He's essentially saying this 'MAGA' crowd are worse than terrorists. This is outrageous. For every American who is watching, for every American who has seen this, no matter how you feel about the 'MAGA' crowd, this is an authoritarian assault on our freedom and we need to stand together very strongly against this attempt to intimidate and silence anyone who holds political views that are different from or opposed to what this president and his administration are furthering. This is an assault on our democracy." 

As a reminder, President Joe Biden spoke at the funeral of Democratic Senator Robert Byrd in 2010. During a significant portion of his life, Byrd was a member of the Klu Klux Klan.