
Hollywood Screenwriter Nailed the State of the Liberal Media

You might know David Mamet from his acclaimed screenplays. He did Glengarry Glenn Ross, Heist, Spartan, Hannibal, The Untouchables, and Wag the Dog. He’s had a string of hits with his plays as well, some of which were turned into feature films. He’s had a political revolution of his own though. He’s not a drone of the Left. He doesn’t kowtow to the woke mob. He can’t be canceled. The man simply has had too much success and accolades. Even if he was attacked, he’d be fine. He’s established himself enough in Hollywood. It’s why he can go on Adam Corolla’s podcast and just lay into the liberal media. It’s nothing you have heard or probably said to yourself, but it’s always refreshing to hear. They’re whores. The liberal media are whores (via Real Clear Politics):

CAROLLA: The religious right, conservatives, back in the day when I started in the radio 25 years ago, you'd get letters saying he said 'bitch,' or he said 'God damn it,' or he said something. It wasn't about the verbiage, it was about the words. Now, the left doesn't care about any of the language you use but they go after your ideas. They attack ideas. And that's a much more insidious place to be because the language you can clean up... but ideas, especially when you think about what's going on in the COVID era, someone had an idea about it. And they're going after ideas. And that feels much more Orwellian to me.

DAVID MAMET: Well, it is Orwellian. They're a bunch of whores is what they are. They aren't journalists. They aren't newspaper people. They're a bunch of whores and they're in the pay or in the pocket of the legacy media and what they're doing is incredibly shameful. What I wanted to do in the book was call them out, say wait a second, let's give them a name. It's not the road to totalitarianism, it is totalitarianism. If we, who have benefited from free speech and benefited from the sacrifices of generations of Americans who died for free speech, are not going to speak up about it then what we're doing is shameful.

He's not wrong, folks. The media are whores, and not the ones for politicians or athletes. The one’s that you need a penicillin shot just to be safe.