
Fauci's Covid Flip-flopping Never Ends

If there is one thing Dr. Anthony Fauci is good at, it's flip-flopping. He's been on every side of Covid-19 issues at some point, as Grabien Media highlighted in the supercut below. It’s no wonder that Americans were so confused throughout the pandemic and also why hardly anyone listens to Fauci and other public health "experts" anymore. 

This week, for example, Fauci told PBS NewsHour's Judy Woodruff that the United States is “certainly” out of the pandemic phase right now, even as the global pandemic continues.

"How close are we to the end of this pandemic?" Woodruff wondered. 

While the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases said that's an "unanswerable question," Fauci highlighted the low level of infections in the country right now.

"We don't have 900,000 new infections a day and tens and tens and tens of thousands of hospitalizations and thousands of deaths. We are at a low level right now," Fauci said. "So, if you're saying, are we out of the pandemic phase in this country, we are." 

That interview was on Tuesday. By Wednesday, he was striking a different tone. He told CBS News he would not attend the White House Correspondents' Dinner because of concerns about Covid-19, despite being quadruple vaxxed and the WHCA's requirement that all guests be fully vaccinated and provide a negative antigen test the same day as the dinner. 

He also sought to "clarify" his comments to Woodruff, saying that he did not mean the pandemic ended. 

"We certainly cannot say the pandemic is over," Fauci told CBS. "It is not over."

On NPR’s "1A" podcast, he went further, noting he "probably should have said the acute stage of the pandemic phase. We’re now transitioning, not there yet, but transitioning to more of an endemicity where the level of infections is low enough that people are starting to learn to live with the virus still protecting themselves by vaccination, by the availability of antivirals, by testing. So I really meant the acute phase as opposed to pandemic."