
WaPo Blogger Who Doxxed Libs of Tik Tok Got a Taste of Her Own Medicine Soon Afterward

War is messy. War is not without sacrifice. There will be casualties. The Washington Post's Taylor Lorenz, after sobbing about mean tweets and online harassment, decided to engage in a campaign of…harassment against popular conservative Twitter account Libs of Tik Tok. The publication doxxed her. The account is popular for exposing the extremism within the left, especially in our schools. The account is run by a woman, which has been known for months. We didn't know much else because she's not a public figure, but her scathing posts proved effective in embarrassing the left enough to sic their liberal media allies on her. 

Nothing this account did was sketchy. Nothing. She reposted Tik Tok videos of deranged leftists and added her two cents. Often, it was hilarious. These aren't private conversations. They're all public. It's like the account "Defiant Ls," who finds and zeroes in on liberal hypocrisy. Both accounts have been suspended by Twitter for making liberal America look bad. Both have come back stronger. Since the WaPo hit piece, Libs of Tik Tok has gained at least 100,000 new followers. It's now partnering with satire site The Babylon Bee. It might get scary for this person now that the world knows her name and where she works, which the Post left out in their cockamamie statement about Lorenz's reporting. Maybe because it's a lie. The link to her professional license—she's in real estate—listed her address. 

So, any blowback to Lorenz? Sure—and she deleted a peculiar tweet showing that one of her friends that she tagged on Instagram was doxxed. 

Well, gee—I'm just beyond sad about that. It's devastating that someone who isn't a public figure is subjected to such harassment. I mean, you cannot make this up. 

Lorenz deleted the tweet because she probably knew that she stepped on a landmine. She sought out and knocked on the doors of family members of Libs of Tik Tok. As she noted, the lack of self-awareness is truly amazing. 

Lorenz got a taste of her own medicine, but she set the rules here. She must live with them. You reap what you sow, Ms. Lorenz. You tried to muzzle this account. You failed. It only made it more popular.