
Wait... Did Dick Durbin Just Oppose Tougher Sentences for Child Porn Predators?

Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson isn't the only one who appears to be soft on child porn predators. Joe Biden's Supreme Court nominee was grilled by Senate Republicans over the judge's laughably light sentences for child porn offenders despite existing guidelines allowing her to lock these guys up for years. She opted to give them a slap on the wrist. She was charbroiled, but she has the votes to be confirmed. Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) signaled his support. Senators Mitt Romney (R-UT), Susan Collins (R-ME), and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) followed suit. So, that battle is regrettably lost, but what about tougher sentences for child sex offenders? That seems like an issue marinated in bipartisanship, yes? 

No. Durbin objected to it: 

So, it seems Dirty Dick doesn't seem too keen on locking these people up. And look, Democrats have discovered nuance on the wrong issue. Can we also stop acting like child porn is just readily available on mainstream sites? You must look for it. You must look hard for it. You must go into the darkest corners of the Internet to find this stuff. There's no stumbling into this perverted world. You were looking for it. To act like these are accidental searches is ridiculous. How do you accidentally search for child porn? These aren't good people who "stumble" into a kiddie porn treasure chest. It's all part of the Democrats being soft on crime, being more sympathetic to the perpetrator of the crimes than the victims, and being overall gross and weird as they've drifted into the extremes of what they consider to be decent. 

Durbin is now on the record objecting to getting tough on child porn offenders.