
Want to Take a Guess What the FEC Found Out About Ocasio-Cortez's Campaign Activities?

The Federal Election Commission has concluded its two-year investigation into Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and her campaign activities. Shocker—she violated the law. Will there be charges? No. She will, as The New York Post noted, receive a slap on the wrist. Two PACS tied to the New York socialist did not properly document and disclose disbursements. Some of the activities were allegedly quite serious and illegal, including the purported funneling of some $1 million to companies controlled by her former chief of staff (via NY Post):

A two-year federal probe found that Alexandria Ocasio Cortez’s campaign did not “properly” disclose some of its expenses — but the Federal Election Commission voted to give her a pass, according to filings made public this week.

The FEC found that two political action committees — Brand New Congress and Justice Democrats — “did not properly disclose the purpose of the disbursements” to similarly named shell companies set up by AOC’s former chief of staff Chaikat Sakrabarti during her first run for Congress in 2018.

Despite the findings, the FEC’s six-member panel voted to dismiss a government watchdog complaint against the Congresswoman’s campaign last month, the filings released Thursday show.


The NLPC complaint alleged that AOC campaign treasurer Frank Llewellyn and Sakrabarti, among others, funneled more than $1 million in political donations into two companies controlled by Sakrabarti.

Those cash transfers from two political action committees to Brand New Congress and Justice Democrats may have violated the $5,000 contribution limit to federal candidates, the original complaint alleged.

Yeah, no there-there, right? You can’t go after AOC. That would be racist, or something, right? Once again, we see the two separate rules doctrine possibly being at play here. Yet are you shocked? Are you shocked that AOC’s operatives violated campaign laws and will get off scot-free? No. This is our system. And it’s good to have a progressive army at your disposal as well. What chaos they can unleash within legal means hopefully if they’re just given the word.