
Anti-Trump Republican Appears to be Caught on Video Collecting Illegal Petition Signatures

Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) dodged a primary challenge for a couple of reasons, but let’s get to the most obvious. The petition signatures from one potential anti-Trump candidate were illegally obtained. What’s more, is that he appears to be caught on camera illegally forging signatures. The Daily Caller had this first. The videos are below. The man is on video committing a crime. So, to adhere to the Lincoln Project’s ethos about maintaining institutional integrity and erasing Trumpism from the GOP, we need to act more like…Democrats. I know, you guys already knew that about this cadre of traitors. So, save the republic, to honor Lincoln, we must do illegal acts. They’re ‘good’ illegal acts, right? Yet, this person will soon be a non-factor (via Daily Caller):

A never-Trump Republican in New York can be seen allegedly illegally forging petition signatures in a parking lot in his effort to challenge New York Republican Rep. Elise Stefanik, a video obtained exclusively by the Daily Caller shows.

Lonny Koons, who is trying to primary Stefanik in NY21, can be seen in his car in videos that were taken at the Ticonderoga Walmart Parking lot on March 24. The day the two videos were filmed he said on social media that he was in Ticonderoga and “obtained a healthy number of petition signatures.” However, the signatures appeared to have been faked and signed by Koons himself.

In the videos, posted on YouTube by an anonymous account called “North Country Watch,” Koons can be seen signing a number of signatures and names on a document in the parking lot, on the same day he said he was collecting signatures in Ticonderoga. The petition filing period starts April 4. Republicans need a minimum of 1,250 signatures to appear on the ballot.

On March 12th, Koons posted a letter on Facebook that he sent to the Working Families Party of New York. In the letter, he states that he is “primarying Ms. Elise Stefanik for the republican nomination” and goes on to ask why the Working Families Party is representing him as a supporter of former President Donald Trump.


The Daily Caller contacted Koons about the videos and the signatures to which he responded by saying, “I have been preparing a press release of my own to announce that I am suspending my campaign due to a lack of funds and that I cannot afford to stay afloat because I have been on disability for 6 plus weeks at half my pay.”

“I will reevaluate a future run but currently I cannot afford to stay in this race and need to get back to work as am by definition, blue collar. As for Ticonderoga Walmart; I was indeed in my car filling out paperwork; some in regards to my campaign and some in regards to the disability issues I have been dealing with MetLife and the Hartford improperly paying my disability due to rotate cuff / bicep surgery. I had received a very good reception in Ticonderoga and had spoken to quite a few local businesses that support the idea of an average American trying to stand up,” Koons added.

Still, this is why the GOP is pushing for election integrity laws. Here’s the proof that shady stuff still goes on, and we must be ever vigilant about these shenanigans. Voter ID laws are popular across the board. Verifying the ballot signature of mail-in ballots is also key. Democrats will lie, cheat, and steal to win an election. We must guard against this, and the Caller was right to point out that the Working Families Party in the Empire State is a bunch of Bolsheviks.