
One Ukrainian Man Did What He Thought Was Best When He Saw an Incoming Russian Military Convoy

You all know the image of the Chinese civilian who stood in front of the column of tanks during the Tiananmen massacre in 1989. The nameless man was dubbed “tank man.” As Ukraine defends itself from Russian invasion, one man decided to channel that image when he saw an incoming Russian convoy He stood in front of it (via NY Post):

A Ukrainian man desperately tried to block a Russian military convoy — risking his life by stepping in front of a speeding truck, intense footage shows.


“Ukrainian rushes under enemy equipment so that the occupiers do not pass,” Ukraine news outlet HB tweeted.


The 28-second video begins as a woman gasps and the convoy of vehicles marked with an oversize letter “Z” barrel down a remote road. The unidentified man steps in front of one truck, prompting the vehicle to swerve out of the way to avoid hitting him, the footage shows.

The footage went viral online Friday — with many linking the brave Ukrainian to “tank man” from decades earlier.

Ukrainians are doing everything they can to defend their country. They’re mounting a better defense than what was initially predicted. The country is in a state of martial law. General mobilization orders have been issued. All men 18-60 cannot leave the country. The population is being mustered. Firearms are being distributed to civilians. 

While major cities are still likely to fall, a huge insurgency is the next phase of this war. 

Flashback: The Original 'Tank Man'