
LA Prosecutors Revolt Against Woke DA After He Pretty Much Let a Trans Child Predator Off the Hook

This is a ‘woke’ circus in Los Angeles County. It’s one of many issues LA prosecutors have had with District Attorney George Gascon and his soft on crime approach to handling the dregs of society. Now, we have a trans child molester who is caught on phone recordings bragging about the light sentence that was handed down which was minimal jail time and no mandatory registration on the sex offender list. Hannah Tubbs was then known as James Tubbs when he molested a 10-year-old girl in a Denny’s bathroom in 2014. Fox News obtained the phone calls which sent the LA district attorney’s office running for cover (via Fox News):

Explicit Los Angeles jailhouse recordings of Hannah Tubbs, the 26-year-old trans child molester who received a slap on the wrist last month after pleading guilty to molesting a 10-year-old in 2014, depict her admitting it was wrong to attack a little girl but gloating over the light punishment.

She boasted that nothing would happen to her after she pleaded guilty due to Democrat District Attorney George Gascon's policies and laughed that she won't have to go back to prison or register as a sex offender. She also made explicit remarks about the victim that are unfit to print.


Tubbs pleaded guilty last month to the cold case attack, which took place in women’s restroom at a Denny’s restaurant, when the suspect was two weeks shy of 18 and identified as a male named James Tubbs. After being arrested roughly eight years after the crime, Tubbs began identifying as a woman, according to prosecutors.

She received a sentence of two years at a juvenile facility because Gascon’s office declined to transfer the case to adult court, adhering to one of the progressive prosecutor’s day-one directives barring "children" from being tried as adults. She could serve as little as six months and won’t have to register as a sex offender.


Tubbs’ victim, who was 10 at the time of the attack, told Fox News Digital that Gascon’s handling of the case has been "insulting" and "unfair" to her.

"The things he did to me and made me do that day was beyond horrible for a ten-year-old girl to have to go through," she said. "I want him tried as an adult for the crimes he committed against me."


How much did Gascon know and when did he know it? He denied knowing about the phone recordings until he admitted that his office did, adding that they would have treated Tubbs as an adult if they had known. Of course, this was all said AFTER Tubbs was sentenced on February 2. Gascon is now facing a recall effort that virtually has almost every prosecutor in the ‘get the hell out of here’ camp for obvious reasons (via NBC Los Angeles):

Members of the association representing Los Angeles County prosecutors voted overwhelmingly in support of an effort to recall their boss, District Attorney George Gascón, the organization announced Tuesday.

The Association of Deputy District Attorneys, the collective bargaining group for more than 800 deputy district attorneys in the county, had previously invited Gascón to speak to the organization as it considered whether to back the recall, but he declined.

The ADDA contends that Gascón has ``refused'' to speak with his prosecutors since taking office to explain policies that have sparked the recall drive.

Roughly 83% of ADDA members took part in the vote, with 97.9% voting in support of the recall.

In the words of Donald Trump, “everything woke turns to s**t.” He’s not wrong. Being pro-crime is not popular. Being pro-criminal is not popular. I know this may be hard for liberals to comprehend, but criminals are bad people. There may be debates about sentencing reform. Civil asset forfeiture should be discussed as well. There should also be a long, hard look into the logic behind the endless, expensive, and constitutionally questionable aspects of our so-called war on drugs. Letting child molesters off the hook virtually scot-free is not a debate. Only in deep-blue hell holes can this even be considered.